Our Mission
A lot of our pastoral counselling and social services work focus upon allowing the client to grow, at one’s own pace, in a unique way to any given situation for any given time.
We often take a client-centred approach, working in three stages towards growth:

our projects
Soul Talk Samoa
is involved in diffferent projects
Since the inception of Soul Talk Samoa
“STS” Trust, we have been involved in various projects to help troubled persons find peace and healing from personal issues.

a register of chrisitian counsellors in samoa
Christian Counsellors Association of Samoa Trust
The start of an organisation that supports Christian counsellors in Samoa was an idea some years back, and finally is now here.
Read more about CCAST hereculturally aligned approaches
Counselling the Pacific and Samoan way
For many that we journey alongside, relational space known as ‘va’ often restricts the counsellor-client relationship. Our number one emphasis is for both to navigate such space…”fetuutuuna’i le va”
Read more about Pacific counselling